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  • Pink Anemonefish

  • Whale Shark

  • Great White Shark

  • Nudibranch (Chromodoris albopunctata)

Fish & Marine Invertebrates

Australia has the most biodiverse waters on the planet.

With a coastline that stretches over 37,000 kilometres (23,000 miles), Australia lines three of the world’s largest oceans. Consequently, the country’s waters are diverse, ranging from tropical seas, through to temperate and sub-Antarctic waters.

Perhaps, there is no greater association with Australia’s marine offering than its coral reefs. Venturing to Australia's west coast, the world's largest extensive fringing reef is found in the Ningaloo Marine Park, home to the graceful Whale Shark, the world's largest migration of Humpback Whales and 50 per cent of Indian Ocean's coral species.The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on earth and one of the most complex ecosystems. Stretching 2,300 kilometres off the continent's northeast, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is roughly the same area as Japan, Germany, Malaysia or Italy. 

But it is the richness of Australia’s temperate marine environments that is surprising. By far the greatest proportion of biodiversity is found along the southern Australian coastline where 85% of fish, 90% of echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers) and 95% of molluscs are considered endemic with new species being discovered everyday.

Australia’s oceans support over 5,000 species of fish, more than half of the shark and ray species in the world, six of the seven known species of marine turtles, tens of thousands of species of invertebrates, over half of the world’s 58 seagrass species, and countless micro-organisms. Life beneath the surface in Australia is simply extraordinary.

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Viewing opportunities that include fish & marine invertebrates

  • Clown Anemonefish

    January,February,December, Frankland Islands National Park

    Frankland Islands National Park - Summer Sightings for Fish & Marine Invertebrates


    Angelfish: Regal Angelfish, Six-band Angelfish, Bicolor Angelfish, Blueface Angelfish, Coral Beauty, Pearlscale Angelfish, Semicricle Angelfish | Batfish: Round Batfish, Dusky Batfish, Longfin Batfish | Butterflyfish: Redfin Butterflyfish, Eastern Triangle Butterflyfish, Vagabond Butterflyfish, Bluespot Butterflyfish, Teardrop Butterflyfish, Chevron Butterflyfish, Threadfin Butterflyfish, Blackback Butterflyfish, Goldenstripe Butterflyfish, Speckled Butterflyfish, Rainford's Butterflyfish, Saddle Butterflyfish, Lined Butterflyfish, Pacific Double-saddle Butterflyfish, Beaked Coralfish | Anemonefish: Clown Anemonefish, Barrier Reef Anemonefish, Pink Skunk Anemonefish, Blackback Anemonefish, Spine-cheek Anemonefish | Damselfish: Humbug Damselfish, Reticulated Damselfish, Blackbar Damselfish, Neon Damselfish, Staghorn Damsel, Black Damsel, Jewel Damsel, Ambon Damsel, Lemon Damsel, White Damsel, Whitebelly Damsel, Speckled Damsel, Blue-green Chromis, Black-Axil Chromis, Ternate Chromis, Blue Demoiselle, Yellowtail Demoiselle, Three-spot Dascyllus | Emperor: Spangled Emperor, Yellowtailed Emperor, Humpnose Bigeye Bream | Flutemouth: Pacific Trumpetfish, Bluespotted Cornetfish |Fusilier: Yellowtail Fusilier, Scissor-tailed Fusilier, Doubleline Fusilier, Blue and Yellow Fusilier, Three-stripe Fusilier | Moray Eels: Giant Moray Eel | Parrotfish: Steephead Parrotfish, Sixband Parrotfish, Pacific Bullethead Parrotfish, Spotted Parrotfish, Darkcap Parrotfish, Surf Parrotfish, Mini-fin Parrotfish, Palenose Parrotfish, Yellowbar Parrotfish, Bluebarred Parrotfish, Greensnout Parrotfish, Bleeker's Parrotfish, Redlip Parrotfish| Rabbitfish: Lined Rabbitfish, Barred Rabbitfish, Foxface | RockCod: Coral Cod, Potato Cod, Blue-spotted Rock Cod, Coral Trout | Scorpionfish: Lionfish | Surgeonfish: Striped Surgeonfish, Fine-lined Surgeonfish, Pacific Salifin Tang, Blue Tang Surgeonfish, Brown Tang, Orangespine Unicornfish, Blackstreak Surgeonfish, Eyeline Surgeonfish, Yellowfin Surgeonfish, Dark Surgeonfish, Convict Surgeonfish, Spotted Unicornfish, Eyestripe Surgeonfish, Lined Bristletooth | Triggerfish: Orangestripe Triggerfish, Titan Triggerfish, Lagoon Triggerfish, Flagtail Triggerfish | Wrasses: Sixbar Wrasse, Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse, Bird Wrasse, Slingjaw Wrasse, Checkerboard Wrasse, Moon Wrasse, Blackbarred Wrasse, Floral Maori Wrasse, Humphead Maori Wrasse, Bluntheaded Wrasse, Dotted Wrasse, Moon Wrasse, Indo-Pacific Bluehead Wrasse

    Sharks & Rays

    Sharks: Whitetip Reef Shark, Blacktip Reef Shark, Grey Reef Shark, Epaulette Shark, Wobbegong Shark, Ornate Wobbegong | Rays: Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray, Reef Manta Ray, Kuhl's Ray, Cow-tail Ray, Australian Bull Ray


    Nudibranch: Banana Nudibranch, Indian Caloria, Mourning Dorid, Clumpy Nudibranch | Shrimp: Marbled Shrimp, Banded Coral Shrimp, Pacific Mantis Shrimp, Graceful Anomone Shrimp | Clam: Small Giant Clam, Gigas Giant Clam, Boring Giant Clam, Smooth Giant Clam, Fluted Giant Clam

    Corals & Sea Anemones

    Hard Corals (Scleractinia): Staghorn, Brain, Elkhorn, Table, Closed Brain, Honeycomb, Lobed Star, Bubble, Finger, Porite | Soft Corals (Alcyonacea): Tree, Cabbage Leather, Weeping Willow, Sea Whips, Sea Plumes, Sea Rods, Organ Pipe Coral, Pink Nephthya, Blue Soft Coral, Gorgonian Sea Fan, Elephant Ear, Cauliflower, Sea Pen | Sea Anemones: Blue Anemone, Bubble-tip Anemone, Merten's Sea Anemone, Haddon's Anemone, Beaded Sea Anemone, Magnficent Sea Anemone


    Suggested Tour: Frankland Islands Reef Cruises Day Tour

    Duration: Full Day
    Type: Shared or Private 

    Spend the day at one of the most beautiful snorkelling locations on the Great Barrier Reef, with the opportunity to experience World Heritage-listed rivers, rainforests and reefs. Leave the crowds behind and enjoy exclusive access to the hidden treasure that is the Frankland Islands National Park.

    Full Itinerary

    Tours in Frankland Islands National Park related to Fish & Marine Invertebrates