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Featured Wildlife Journeys

  • Red-tailed Black Cockatoo

  • Australasian Gannet

  • Eastern Yellow Robin

  • Campbell Albatross

  • Wedge-tailed Eagle

  • Black-necked Stork (Jabiru)


Australia has the most endemic bird species of any country on earth.

Birdwatching Tours in Australia

Of all the world's birding tour destinations, Australia consistently ranks as one of the most exotic and fascinating. 

The geological evolution of the Australian continent has shaped the extraordinary variety of birds, estimated at 828 species (45% of which are endemic) at present. In fact, it has recently been determined that no other continent has contributed so greatly to the evolution of birds, with the majority of the world’s species having Australian ancestry. Birdwatchers across the world are continually captivated by the sights, stories and sounds of Australian species along with the opportunity to photograph them in their natural habitats. There is no doubt that Australia is one of the iconic destinations when it comes to bird watching experiences.

Australia is the birthplace of glorious songbirds and alluring parrots, with the evolutionary process contributing to the development of birds that are generally more intelligent, aggressive, loud, melodious and socially cooperative. It is also home to a range of bird families unique to the Australasian region including megapodes (mound builders), butcher birds, bowerbirds, lorikeets, lyrebirds, Australian creepers, wrens, honeyeaters and iconic cockatoos. Australia is also one of the best places to watch raptor birds as they hunt down prey and soar across breathtaking horizons.

With so many species spread across stunning and diverse habitats including tropical rainforests, coral reefs, coastal heaths, wetlands and swamps, grasslands, sandy and stony deserts and Eucalypt woodlands, it is little wonder why Australia is recognised across the globe as a birdwatchers paradise.

Wondering where the best places across Australia are to watch birds? Below you will see a list of bird watching tours in Australia listed by seasonthat are part of the Australian Wildlife Journeys group. Our range of experienced guides accommodate many of the most popular Australian birdwatching regions and wildlife sites throughout the country. 

We invite you to bring your camera and binoculars, so we can share our knowledge and passion with you on these birding tours of Australia, which also feature beautifully appointed accommodation options, outstanding culinary offerings and fabulous hospitality. 

Search for birding tours using the seasonal viewing opportunities calendar further down the page or by using the search toolbar directly below:

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Viewing opportunities that include birds

  • Beach Stone-Curlew

    January,February,December, Frankland Islands National Park

    Frankland Islands - Summer Sightings by Bird Group


    Mound-builders: Orange-footed Scrubfowl | Kingfishers: Sacred Kingfisher, Torresian Kingfisher, Azure Kingfisher | Pigeons & Doves: Peaceful Dove, Bar-shouldered Dove, Rose-crowned Fruit Dove, Torresian Imperial-Pigeon | Cuckoos & Coucals: Pacific Koel

    Raptors Hawks & Eagles: Osprey, Grey Goshawk, Brahminy Kite, White-bellied Sea-Eagle | Falcons: Peregrine Falcon | Owls: Barn Owl

    Gannets & Boobies: Brown Booby | Gulls & Terns: Black Noddy, Sooty Tern, Bridled Tern, Little Tern, Common Tern, Black-naped Tern, Roseate Tern, Great Crested Tern, Lesser Crested Tern | Cormorants: Little Pied Cormorant, Little Black Cormorant | Pelicans:  Australian Pelican | Frigatebirds: Great Frigatebird, Lesser Frigatebird

    Songbirds Honeyeaters: Varied Honeyeater | Monarchs & Flycatchers: Leaden Flycatcher | Orioles & Figbirds: Australiasian Figbird | Cuckoo-shrikes: White-bellied Cuckooshrike, Black-faced Cuckooshrike | Woodswallows, Magpies & Butcherbirds: Magpie-lark, White-breasted Woodswallow | White-eyes: Silvereye | Swallows & Martins: Welcome Swallow
    Waterbirds & Waders

    Snipes & Relatives: Whimbrel, Common Sandpiper, Grey-tailed Tattler, Wandering Tattler, Ruddy Turnstone  | Stone Curlews: Beach Stone-curlew | Plovers & Dotterels: Masked Lapwing, Siberian Sand-Plover | Herons, Ibises & Storks: Black-necked Stork, Pacific Reef-Heron, Little Egret, Striated Heron, Great White Egret, Plumed Egret, Great-billed Heron | Cranes & Relatives: Buff-banded Rail

    Suggested Tour: Frankland Islands Reef Cruises Day Tour

    Duration: Full Day
    Type: Shared or Private 

    Spend the day at one of the most beautiful snorkelling locations on the Great Barrier Reef, with the opportunity to experience World Heritage-listed rivers, rainforests and reefs. Leave the crowds behind and enjoy exclusive access to the hidden treasure that is the Frankland Islands National Park.

    Full Itinerary

    Tours in Frankland Islands National Park related to Birds