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The Science of Killer Whale Sightings with Jennah Tucker

Naturaliste Charters has observed an increase in predation sightings year after year. While the exact reasons for this rise remain unclear, guide Jennah Tucker explains that it provides invaluable learning opportunities. "We're seeing predations more often, and because of this, we are learning more about the behaviours of this population of killer whales — how they use the area, how they behave under different weather conditions, and what behaviours are indicative of hunting," she notes. "It's hard to say if predations are happening more frequently or if we're simply getting better at spotting them. However, each sighting improves our understanding of these fascinating creatures and their complex interactions with their environment."

Bremer Bay Tour 02
Killer Whale/Orca. Image: Naturaliste Charters

The Bremer Canyon Killer Whale Expeditions have been running for 10 years now, and Jennah says they are very popular, whether guests see a live predation or not. "It's more common for us to come across evidence of recent predation events," she explains. "We might see a big bird swirl, with all the birds squabbling over scraps, or there may be blood in the water, oil slicks (natural oil is released from the bodies of mammalian prey), and orcas carrying bits of tissue. And almost every other day, there's evidence of the orcas eating smaller prey like fish or squid," she continues. "They're constantly feeding and foraging, so we are always learning something new about their feeding habits and behaviours."

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The Naturaliste Charters team's growing understanding of whale behaviour is likely contributing to the increasing success in sightings. "I'd say a lot of the time we know what behaviours might precede a hunt, so we can try to position ourselves to witness it," Jennah explains. "However, the reasons we are seeing more predations are probably a mix of factors. We're learning more as we see more, there is more prey around, and Bremer Bay is home to the largest orca aggregation in the Southern Hemisphere. With more killer whales around, there's a higher chance of observing such events. We really are quite lucky!"

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